Friday, September 27, 2013

MORE primary color art!

Kindergarten  Primary Color Shape people...

2 for the price of 1,  gotta love that!

Seriously, how adorable are these???

MORE 1st grade Superheroes!!

Some of these may  look pretty chaotic, but there are really extensive stories that go along with these artworks... ask you kids :) !

5th grade mixes 100 colors!

After 5th grade learned about the primaries and secondaries I wanted them to try it out for themselves as well as create a challenge for them. They received a 8.5 x 11 piece of card stock with 100 shaded boxes on it as well as the 3 primaries in acrylic paint. They were told to mix and experiment to make 100 different colors. After week 2 I gave them white and we talked about tints. They liked their colors much better after the introduction of the white. This was to prepare them for a big painting project!  (More on that later...Shh it's top secret)

(notice the first few rows are not as pretty...that was before they got white)

Prek 3 learns Blue

Blue crayon with blue watercolor

2nd Grade continuous line doodles

we looked at Joan Miro for inspiration, it turned out to be a very vague inspiration but that's OK

They were told they could just use primaries or use primaries to mix secondaries to add also. Some did it some didn't.  I think they look pretty cool! 

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